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Social and Behavior Science Resources

A List of All Databases to which UVA Wise Library Subscribes

Social and Behavioral Resources

Behavioral Science Resources - Nonsubscrition

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
As the United States' principal source for criminal justice statistics, BJS collects and publishes statistics on all aspects of criminal justice at the state, federal, and tribal levels. Crimes by type (violent, property, identity theft, hate crimes, etc.) or victim, corrections populations and facilities, and court systems are covered as well as noncriminal aspects of the justice system, including law enforcement and personnel and behavioral statistics.

National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
The Center advocates to protect the rights of homeless people

Statistical Abstract of the United States
Called the National Data Book, it contains statistics to defend or refute almost any point in an argument. It includes death row populations, social welfare expenditures, households and living arrangements and more. It is compiled by the U. S. Census Bureau.

SEARCH: The National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics
A non-profit membership organization created for the States, which is dedicated to improving the criminal justice system and the quality of justice through better information and management, the effective application of the information and identification technology, and responsible law and policy. They provide access to a variety of crime and justice statistics.

The Sentencing Project
A non-profit organization that promotes decreased reliance on incarceration and increased use of more effective and human alternatives. It is a nationally known source of criminal justice policy analysis, data and program information. Its reports, publications, and staff are relied upon by the public, policymakers and the media.

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
Includes data and other information.

Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded over 25 years ago for the purposes of winning equal rights for minorities and people through legal action.

Psychology Resources--Non-subscription

APA Help Center
Your online resource for brochures, tips and articles on the psychological issues that affect your physical and emotional well-being, as well as information about referrals.

Psych Central
Includes lists of disorder symptoms and treatments, as well as a directory of online resources in the field.

Political Science Resources--Non-subscription

The Oyez Project: U.S. Supreme Court Database
Allows users to search current and historical cases by title, citation, subject or date. Created by Northwestern University political science professor, Jerry Goldman, with funds from an NEH grant.

Political Resources on the Net
Political resources from every country in the world, including government sites, ministries, agencies, political parties, election information, plus links to country information. Extensive list of related websites. Browsable by country.

Richard Kimber's Political Science Resources
Maintained by Professor Kimber, formally at the University of Keele. This page emphasizes UK policies.

U.S. Government Resources--Non-subscription

CIA--World Factbook
This is the online version of the World Factbook, which includes information on every country in the world. Some of the types of information given include geography, people, government and more. There is also an extensive map collection.

The Law Makers
The Legislative Effectiveness Project (LEP) is a joint research project that seeks to understand which members of the United States Congress are the most effective at lawmaking. We use a precise research methodology to calculate a Legislative Effectiveness Score for each member of the House of Representatives, where the average score in each two-year Congress is equal to 1. In the webpages that follow, you can learn how effective your Representative was during the 113th Congress (2013-2014), or see any other Representative between the 93rd and 113th Congresses (1973-2014)

In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, legislative information from the Library of Congress.

House of Representatives


The White House

Department of State

Virginia General Assembly
Check on the status of legislative bills online and find out more information about the Commonwealth's government by going directly this the website for the General Assembly.

World Policy Institute
One of the goals of the Institute is to "promote greater public understanding of the relationship between domestic and international policy" and to train others "to be capable of understanding emerging world problems and of reconciling the often competing demands of globalization and national policy."