Webpages expire, books and articles get lost, photographs and films degrade. Citations are necessary to assure that the next researcher can find the same information through different means.
Citing is important for your scholarly credibility, and for building on previous research. You may have a good idea, but simply stating it does not make it true or believable. Give your ideas validity and support by citing established authors.
Avoiding plagiarism is key to academic honesty. Claiming someone's original work as your own is fraud. Citations give authors their due credit.
You must cite:
When in doubt, be safe and cite your source!
At UVA Wise, many faculty require students to use a specific edition of APA, MLA or Chicago style. Students should be encouraged to check with their Professor to make sure they are using the correct edition:
This guide provides an overview of how to cite your sources, and APA and MLA styles.
This is a wonderful citation and grammar source.
Zotero, citation manager
Citing ChatGPT: Be aware that UVA Wise does not have a campus policy on AI so students should be reminded to always verify with each individual Professor whether AI usage is appropriate for the various tasks from information seeking or research, problem solving, prewriting including brainstorming, writing, and revising or editing in each course.