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History and Philosophy Resources

A List of All Databases to which UVA Wise Library Subscribes

UVA Wise Library Databases focused on History and Philosophy

History and Philosophy Web Pages: Primary Sources - Nonsubscription

American Rhetoric

Online speach bank that contains almost 300 active links to more than 5000 public speaches.

ADD: Access to Archival Databases 

Contains 30 series of electronic records from the National Archive and Records Administration.

American Memory: HIstorical Collections at the National Digital Library

Multimedia collections of historical and digitized documents, photographs, recorded sound, moving pictures and text from the Library of Congress's Americana Collection.

Cencus Bureau

Most known for for collecting the decennial cencus information about the population of the United States. The Cencus Bureau also produces a variety of other information about the United States and its population.


Links to primary historical documents from Western Europe.

Making of America

Searchable digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction.

General History Resources - Nonsubscription

Eyewitness to History

"History through the eyes of those who lived it." Primary source material, articles, photos, audio recordings and video clips about important people and events throughout history.

Social Wlfare History Project Image Portal

Photoghraphs, pamphlets, artifacts and documents chronicalling the history of the nation's respnse to human need. Volunteer organizations, reform movements, social workers, and government responses.

United States History Resoures - Nonsupscription

American Memory

Multimedia collections of historical and digitized documents, photographs, recorded sound, moving pictures and text from the Library of Congress's Americana Collection.

America in the 1930's

A view of the 1930's through the films, radio programs, literature, journalism, museums, exhibitions, architecture, art and other cultural  expressions of the time.

Founders Online

Searchable records of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Includes thousands of unpublished documents.

National Museum of American Jewish History

  The "social, cultural, economic and political life of American Jews in the United States" through descriptions and photographs of exhibits.

The American Cival War: A collection of free online primary sources

Online collection of letters, newspaper articles, images, photographs and diaries.

Working Women, 1870 -1930

Digitized collection of manuscipts, books, pamphlets, photographs and other print resources on working women. Part of Harvard Library's Open Collections Program. 

United States Regional Resources - Nonsubscription

Documenting the American South: Primanry Resources for the Study of Southern History, Literature and Culture

A Collection of primary resources about the culture, litature, and history of the American South that was craeted by and is primarily form the holdings of the University Libraries of the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.

Salvery Resources - Nonsubscripton

Born Into Slavery: Slave Narrative from the Federal Writers Project, 1936-1938

Contains more than 2300 first-person accounts of slavery and 500 photographs of former slaves. Collected in the 1930s. 

Virginia Runaways

Runaways slave advertisements published in the 18th century Virginia newspapers. Searchable.

Virginia Memories

Part of the on-line prescence of the Library of Virginia. Established in 1823, Virgina Memories contains a vast and varied collection on the history of the commonwealth.

European History - Nonsupcription

Ancient Britain

Maps and descriptiois of pehistoric sacred sites around Britain.

The British Empire

Site includes timelines, art and culture, armed forces and bibliographies of the British Empire.

Cybrary of the Holocaust

Historical images, personal acccounts, books by Holocaust survivors and information about family and friends who were lost and found .

Asian History Resources - Nonsubscription

Internet East Asian History Sourcebook

Comprehensive sourcebook with online, full text, primary source materials on the history of China, Japan and Korea from ancient to modern times.

Internet India History Sourcebook

Covers many aspects of Indian history from acient India to modern times. Also includes Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri Lanka.

Prehistoric and Ancient History Websites

Ancient Greece

Informative and well-illustrated guide to Acient Greece. Coveres art, archetchture, politics, Olympics, gorography, mythology, peoples, war, history and other topics.

Realms of the Sacred: Early Written Records of Mesoamerica

Contains pictures and descriptive explanations of codices from the major acient Mesoamerican civilizations. Focuses on the Maya, Aztec and Mixtec civilizations. Also some focus on codices from the colonial area.

Philosophy sources - Nonsubscription

A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names

A concise guide to technical terms and personal names often found in philosophy.

Histroy of Philosophy

Large collection of online essays and web resources. Topics include Camus, institutional suicide of Chinese Buddhism and Ayn Rand. Covers both Eastern and Western Philosophy.

Logical Fallacies

Comprehensive and concise explanations and examples of common false arguments. Can follow liinks between connected fallacies.

Philosophy Pages

Dictionary of philosophy terms, timeline and philosopher's bibliographies. Focused on Western philosophy.

Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Up-to-date free and searchable reference.

Religion Resources - Nonsubscription

Statistics on religions and religious practiioners.

Biblical Studies on the Web

Includes a search engine that searches electronic articles within the field.

Internet Sacred Text Archive

Religious text and basic information about various relious traditions.

Virtual Religion Index

List of religious websites organized according to tradition, discipline and geography.