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Education Guide (Undergrad)

Resources for education students and faculty at UVA Wise

Non-Subscrition Resources

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
A guide to online government resources for students.

Seeking new teaching strategies? If you’ve got an old lesson that you want to breathe new life into, Curriki can help. It is a free member website where educators share ideas and hear from others in the profession.  Tip: If you have a lesson that you love to teach with your students, share it with others. Everyone can be successful if we all help each other to be better teachers.

Education World
This site includes the usual lesson plans and curricula, as well as job ads, news, and a global directory of education resources.

A project designed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) for teaching mathematics.  Includes interactive tools for students and instructional support for teachers.

International Children's Digital Library
A collection of digitized children's books for ages 3-13. Most of the texts offered are older.  The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the world.

Kathry Schrock's Guide to Everything
Renowned for its complete coverage, Schrock's website offers subject and topical access to education resources online.

National Center for Educational Statistics
The National Center for Education Statistics collects information about all aspects of education in the United States from ability and acadmeic English writing and youth indicators. Stats are available at the distric, municipality, state and national level covering all ages from children to adult education.

Education Northwest
Features education resources. Education Northwest is part of a national network funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

PBS Teacher Source
FREE, curated PBS curriculum-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more..


It's a suite of free online tools that allows students and teachers to use primary source documents to complete meaningful and compelling learning activities with digital movies.

Read - Write - Think
Provides educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction.  Site includes lesson plans, web resources, student materials and professional development web links. 

Smithsonian Learning Lab
Lesson plans in art and design, science and technology, history and culture, and language arts that go along with the Smithsonian's collections and research.

SOS for Information Literacy
"Learn how to effectively incorporate information literacy into your lesson plans. S.O.S. for Information Literacy is a dynamic, collaborative web-based multimedia resource for educators, K to 16. This site links lesson plans and teaching ideas for information literacy through a comprehensive quality control system to ensure that lessons are high caliber."

Teacher Tube
"What could be better?  You Tube--just for teachers and students!  Teacher Tube offers videos solely for the field of education.  Videos are created by teachers and students to be shared with other teachers and students.

A resource to transforming education through technology. Includes monthly newsletters.